How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
Shape oscillation of a levitated drop in an acoustic field.
Video Credit: W. Ran, S. Fredericks, & J.R. Saylor. Clemson University.
Your blockages, negativity, anxiety, and harmful stresses are rooted in your physiology.
You are a vibrating being.
You Are a Divine Being In Human Form.
And, As Part of The Divine…
You did NOT come here to live a life of worry, struggle, and exhaustion…
You did NOT come here to suffer in chronic pain, discomfort, and sickness…
You did NOT come here to live a life of desperation, to provide the basic income you need…
Sound healing is vibration and closely tied with Cymatics and more than acoustic sound healing.
Vibration sound healing Cymatics looks at the effects of sound vibrations on matter.
It also lets us see what frequency looks like, which is what everyone and everything is vibrating with.
What researchers have confirmed is…
There is “Sacred Geometry” within You & I… the Plants and Animals, the Moon and Sun.
We’re all created by SOUND and sound is vibration. That’s why vibrational sound healing works.
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How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
Everything is energy in motion All energy is vibration All vibrations have a corresponding frequency Abundance is a Frequency Health is a frequency Love and hate are frequencies