How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
This is for anyone who is seeking a foundation of wellness.
Before you can build a skyscraper, you need to first dig a foundation.
This will encompass a lot of information from many sources that will come full circle on the path to creating miracles in your life.
How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
What prevents us from getting what we want
How to then clear the path and make it happen
There are Five Stages of Manifestation
Being which causes
Thinking which causes
Speaking which then causes
Doing or Action which causes
So “Being Wealthy” or “healthy” is a decision to Be that right Now,
It is in fact the attraction factor of getting what we are.
Here is the secret, We get what we are, not what we want.
So if what we are is not what we want, how do we change that so we can get more of what we are and be happy with what we got?
Human beings only do one thing, we create experiences. That’s all we ever do.
What we are looking to do in our life or create in our life we are creating in experience.
That experience is of the E-motion
Allow me to get a little metaphysical and borrow from some experts on the subject to cover some things you may or may not be familiar with in order to shed some light on what those illuminated comprehend.
Our chakras are the centers of our feelings and the keys to understanding our bodies and what we experience. We are always aware of what we are feeling right now.
These feelings attract corresponding opportunities or situations.
Our feelings then present themselves as corresponding body sensations of “Being”
that become expressed physically as money or wealth or sickness or fear or whatever.
Not the thing we chase after but into the person we become, the “I Am”.
The “I Am” affirmation is the most powerful of all affirmations so we must be careful what we attach
“I Am” to. Such as, I am sick, I am broke, I am miserable… These statements instantaneously put us and keep us in corresponding situations to affirm what we say we believe to be true.
And what we believe to be true can cause misery or miracles.
Miracles have been studied in every culture and religion on the planet and the only common denominator between all of them was the level of belief in the person doing the believing.
So the power behind the miracles is in the believing itself. So blind faith doesn’t cut it, so let’s get certain instead.
You must raise your vibration to a peek state. If you do that with prayers then they must be prayers of thankfulness and certainty for already having what it is you desire
And not allowing for contradicting thoughts.
What we experience today is an accumulation of our thoughts expressed from our yesterdays. What you experience in your tomorrows will be an accumulation of what you hold in your thoughts today and as you move forward through each present state of Now.
Everything has a corresponding body image. Change your physiology and it changes your state.
Sick people and healthy people have a different physiology and body image, the posture and speech patterns of a happy or depressed person are radically different, wealthy or poor people have different physiologies and carry themselves differently etc., etc.
Try this experiment:
Are you carrying around a lot of negative expectations? Let’s measure it.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much negative expectations are you carrying?
You can’t delete something from your computer unless we select “Yes” to delete it.
Negative expectations can be deleted the same way.
Try this, bring to the surface your negative expectations. All of them, about everything.
Can you say Yes to negative expectations?
You respond aloud: Yes
Can you say yes to negative expectations some more?
Can you say yes to negative expectations even more?
Can you say yes to negative expectations again?
And again?
And even more?
And can you say yes to negative expectations even more?
And even more?
And more?
And a little more?
And even more?
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how much negative expectation do you feel?
Now whatever remainder is left speak aloud to it and say,
“Negative expectations, I unconditionally love you
And I unconditionally give you permission to leave.”
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how much negative expectation do you feel?
Feel lighter?
Now do this again and substitute the words negative expectations with the word “worry”
Worry can be like that pressure to urinate feeling that won’t go away until we allow it too.
Bring it all to the surface… Now, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much worry do you feel?
Can you say Yes to worry?
You respond aloud: Yes
Can you say yes to worry some more?
Can you say yes to worry even more?
Can you say yes to worry again?
And again?
And even more?
And can you say yes to worry even more?
And even more?
And more?
And a little more?
And even more?
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how worried do you feel?
Now whatever remainder is left speak aloud to it and say,
“Worry, I unconditionally love you
And I unconditionally give you permission to leave.”
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how worried do you feel?
Now do this exercise again and substitute the word “worry” for “Stress” or “cancer”.
You can go through this list and see if there are any other negative emotions that you would like release.
Uncovering your financial blocks and eliminating stress
Make yourself answer these two questions, What’s the downside of getting what you want? What’s the upside of staying where you are?
You can’t get wealthy if you feel poor
You can’t get thin if you feel fat
You can’t be able if you feel enabled
You can’t be connected if you feel disconnected
Again, What’s the downside of getting what you want?
What’s the upside of staying where you are?
People hate themselves for the problems they have,
Which keeps you in resistance.
The key component is to love and accept yourself as you are
So you can lower your resistance and raise your vibration.
Everything is energy in motion
All energy is vibration
All vibrations have a corresponding frequency
Abundance is a Frequency
Health is a frequency
Love and hate are frequencies
Use Energy Techniques to then remove the blocks once identified. The EFT Tapping Technique
This is done by using your finger tips to tap on the tap points located on the face and the body.
Blocks are energetic and emotional
If you don’t change your energy you won’t change your behavior
You have to have a really clear target.
The target has to be an emotion of the symptom or a fear of your success
The fear of what you will have to face if you get what you want.
First measure the fear on 0-10 point scale.
Feel it clearly, bring it to the surface, and embrace it.
On a scale of 0-10 what is it?
Here are the nine tapping points
T-1 Tap on the karate-chop point on your left hand
T-2 above and between the eyes
T-3 outside of the eyebrow
T-4 Under the eye above your cheek bone
T-5 the area under the nose
T-6 Chin point, indent of the chin
T-7 collar bone point (where the knot of a man’s tie would be)
T-8 side of the ribs (bra strap area)
T-9 Tap in a circle on the top of your head
Repeat each one three times per tap point
T-1 Tap on the karate chop point on your left hand
Even though I’m afraid of my own success I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
T-2 above and between the eyes
I’m afraid of my success, No wonder I’m blocking it
T-3 outside of the eyebrow
Even though I’m afraid of my own success I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
T-4 Under the eye above your cheek bone
The truth is I’m afraid of my success
I’m afraid of being successful. No wonder I’ve been sabotaging
T-5 the area under the nose
I’m afraid of being successful. No wonder I’ve been sabotaging
T-6 Chin point, indent of the chin
I’m afraid of being successful. What if I let someone down? It’s better to play small
T-7 collar bone point (where the knot of a man’s tie would be)
I’m afraid of being a success. No wonder I’ve been sabotaging
T-8 side of the ribs (bra strap area)
The truth is I’m afraid of my own success
And I didn’t even know it
T-9 Tap in a circle on the top of your head
I’m afraid of my success. I’d rather be invisible
Check the level of your 0-10 point scale
And go through it again to get the remainder down to 2 or below
T-1 Tap on the karate chop point on your left hand
Even though I’m still afraid of being successful I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
T-2 above and between the eyes
What if I let someone down?
T-3 outside of the eyebrow
Even though I have this conflict about being successful I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
T-4 Under the eye above your cheek bone
Even though I have this apparent conflict about being successful
I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
T-5 the area under the nose
It’s better to play small
T-6 Chin point, indent of the chin
I’m still afraid to be successful
T-7 collar bone point (where the knot of a man’s tie would be)
It’s better to play small
T-8 side of the ribs (bra strap area)
I’d rather be invisible
T-9 Tap in a circle on the top of your head
I’m afraid of my success. No wonder I’m afraid
How do you feel?
How to Visualize Effectively: The average individual is an extra in their own movie.
Love, joy, eagerness and excitement increase your vibration. Add those things to the images of yourself living life to the fullest. But visualize it from the perspective of looking out of your own eyes, internalize all of it, inwardly feeling and being the sensation of certainty, joy and thankfulness. Holding this state of mind uninterrupted and un contradicted for a minute at a time will geometrically and exponentially manifest your desires momentum at a miraculous rate.
Try this for yourself as well,
Take a refrigerator magnet and move it back and forth from your forehead to the base of your neck six or seven times as you repeat each of the following clearing statements,
I release any limiting thoughts or beliefs going back seven generations having to do with health and wellness.
I release any limiting thoughts or beliefs going back seven generations having to do with abundance and wealth.
I release any limiting thoughts or beliefs going back seven generations having to do with guilt and judgment.
I release any limiting thoughts or beliefs going back seven generations having to do with GOD and my understanding.
I release any limiting thoughts or beliefs going back seven generations having to do with healing and miracles.
I release any limiting thoughts or beliefs going back seven generations having to do with anger and impatience.
You should feel lighter, clearer and more peaceful.
The way this works is kind of the way a magnet clears the information on the magnetic strip of a credit card.
You can make up your own clearing statements as well that apply to specific limiting beliefs you may have. Or look up some on the internet.
(For best results, remove no more than six blockages in one sitting.)
The I AM MINDSET - Hearing Your Calling
Affirmations and Afformations:
The most powerful and instantaneous life altering statements are the “I AM” affirmations.
We need not wait a single moment to begin to feel rich, fulfilled and happy.
Everything is possible to the extent that we are certain. This is the secret,
Life gives you more of what you are, not of what you want.
You will feel your vibration ascending, resonating at a higher frequency as you declare these universal truths about yourself that exist solely in the Now.
Proclaim and affirm these things with me. Do not allow for conflicting thoughts
Take a breath into your heart and agree after me,
I am the emergence of wondrous talents and masterful skills
I am emergence itself
I am the conduit of my greatest intent
I am the catalyst of my grandest dreams
I am congruent with my desires
I am raising the vibration of every molecule in my being
I am infusing every cell with gratitude
I am being lifted now into the future version of myself
I am the pressed down and overflowing cup of thankfulness
I am all blessings, exceedingly, unconditionally and without exception
I am one with the earth and my blessing reaches every person and creature
I am the fullness of all that my heart can hold
I am functional, adaptable and sustainable
I am the impetus of health
I am animation and spunk
I am a deep breather
I am purified, I am detoxified
I am able to lift myself up, I am the elevator of my life
I am the creator of circumstance
I am magnetic, I am Attractive
I am quick! I am alert! I am present!
I am awareness
I am Happy, I am Wise
I am Powerful, I am Strong, I am Loving
I am Whole, I am Perfect, I am Harmonious
I am the observer of all that is good and beautiful
I am appreciating and the appreciator of others
I am the law of love, in action, individualized into a walking reward
I am the changes I want
I am an infinite vastness of blessings
I am Magnificent
I am an expanding being
I am my own source of all possibilities
I am a dispenser of gifts
I am that which loves itself
I am the walking destiny of my birthright
I am the fruits of potential, I am an ocean of opportunity
I am a glorious steward of the infinite abundance of life
I am of the divine mind
I am calling fourth my own infinite potential
I am activating the source of my own greatness
I am liberated, I am fearless, I am starlight
I am a wave of gratitude
I am the fabulous formation of energy in motion
I am my own welcoming committee
I am Giving, I am Joy, I am Positive,
I am Healthy and Confident. I am good enough
I am stillness, needlessness, pure potential
I am generous and reciprocating
I am receptive to all abundance in my life
I am action oriented and self-correcting
I am an evolutionary catalyst
I am the servant of Love
I am a Warrior of prosperity
I am a soldier of Peace
I am a preacher of plenty
I am a Jesuit of justice
I am a Minister of miracles and the ambassador of grace
I am the merchant of uncommon comeuppance
I am ten feet tall and bulletproof
I am unconsciously competent
I am quantified intelligence
I am ability and self-governing
I am the effortless doer
I am the fertile ground of friendship
I am clarity and balance
I am elastic and sleek
I am Abundance, I am Dynamic. I am Divine
I am Unconditional Love. I am fulfilled
I am Forgiveness, I am Faith
I am Freedom, I am Abundant
I am a great Manifester
I am a phenomenal force
I am a Great Lover
I am a radiant attractor field of all that is good
I am in unity with my desires and their manifestation
I am one
It is done, and so it is.
Repeat the “I AM” affirmations every day for one hundred days
Just affirm and agree without contradicting beliefs
Afformations: The missing peace of the puzzle
Money is only energy
Lack of time, energy, relationships and money are all symptoms
Thought is the process of searching for the answer. Like google
The operating system is set up to do nothing but ask questions
That is why most affirmation statements don’t work
Reframe the affirmation in a question. Ask,
Why am I so rich?
Why am I so successful?
Why am I so happy?
Why am I so abundant?
Why am I so healthy?
Why am I so creative?
Why am I so attractive?
Why am I so loving? Give yourself permission to succeed
Also, ask “Nobel questions” to your subconscious or the universe, such as “How can I be even better?”
A question like this assumes that you are already being made better and are asking for more of what you already are which the law of abundance fully supports.
Asking to increase something that you have none of is a much taller order.
Questions to ask throughout the day
What are the infinite possibilities that I can do today that will allow me to generate
and receive millions of dollars now and in the future?
What do I need to do today to expand my business and my life?
Who and what can contribute to my life today?
What would it take for _____________ to show up in my life as if by magic?
What else is possible?
What would it take to have the life of my dreams and more money then I need and ever enough?
What’s right about this that I’m not getting?
This is not working for me. What information do I need to change here?
What’s right about me that I’m not getting?
What are the infinite possibilities?
What am I an expert at that I thought no one would ever pay me for?
What are two things in my way of manifesting what I want?
Ask the universe, “You need to show me now what I need to do to make a difference. Give me a sign!”
What if I could just wake up to who I am and that’s what could make a difference?
Think, act and receive: By being, thinking, speaking and acting, it will become you.
Begin reeling it in.
See yourself reeling it in, closer and closer until it is in your present moment.
Here is why it works. The External is only a reflection and manifestation of what we believe internally.
Thought Energy comes in through the crown chakra at the top of our heads and is carried into the lens of our imagination, the second chakra, our third eye.
The third eye’s main function is to animate and carry this clear light into our heart space,
our Heart chakra.
This heart energy is where our subconscious resides and is a million times more powerful, vibrationaly, than our mind is. It’s a scientific fact.
The Heart chakra, our etheric heart, is always spinning like a vortex and it spins the vibration of the thought energy and images and revolves them, compressing the images out into a physical form and out into the physical plain, manifesting them into existence in our external world.
Just like the saying, “We are not in the world, the world is within us.”
We are created very, very deliberately
There are seven major chakras or energy centers
Each radiates timely energy streams (emotions or energies in motion) that correspond to their specific function
They are specific to the time of the experience.
All emotions are in the moment
The basic principal is this,
we can let the emotion flow fully to its full completion and except and own it
We can watch it with detachment or try to suppress it or disown it
Or we can get all entangled with it and lose our presence, our “In the Now-ness”.
When we go through it with choice, we live fully in the moment, and it’s complete
there are no blockages developed.
The full lesson is learned or the full joy experienced
And that chakra remains healthy and in fact grows from that experience.
And allows us to experience things that correspond to that chakra
We can cause a blockage by not expressing an emotion, for example: out of fear of being judged or punished. So in our anger and suppression a blockage is developed.
Or by getting entangled in our emotions to the point where we lose ourselves
and buy into the emotions.
Once we accept an emotion as truth, that truth then becomes our reality.
Cause once you believe in it, it is made real
and our emotions, good or bad, then cause our belief.
we come back to the thought over and over again with a high intensity of emotion
we then be-live that, not just relive it, in our state of “being” we literally be-live that process
and emotion or believe it and so it comes back again and again into our experience.
One of the reasons we don’t experience what we want to manifest is because of these blockages.
When our energy centers are not in full flow our chakras superimpose whatever blockages we have
into what we are attempting to create or experience.
The observer, if they’re clear about it, never attempts to block what’s currently happening.
If our chakras are clear, our expressions are pure and come out with no resistance at all,
they are then allowed to spin out from our heart chakra into the physical plain to manifest our desires.
Okay…, so now what?
Remove the blockages that interfere with the manifestation process.
How do we that?
Everything is energy, and there is light energy and dark energy. Love based or Fear based.
At a subatomic level, everything is energy and vibration
including us and everything that is.
Everything is 99.9% empty space. Even a rock.
It’s all individual atoms that can be broken down to protons, electrons and subatomic particles revolving at mind boggling speeds around their individual nucleus, times a godzillion.
If we were to freeze frame this phenomena and blow up the image so we could see these particles we would see space between all of them that in scope is equivalent to the distance between planets.
This is also going on inside our brain.
Most people think they are as smart as they are ever gonna be, especially after spending a good portion of their life killing off a number of the finite number of brain cells we were born with.
Don’t fret too much about that, we were all born with ten pounds of brain cells stuffed in a five pound sack. Not literally but you get the idea. We got plenty.
Smarts doesn’t come from brain cells it comes from connecting brain cells. Creating a web of synopsis that link brain cells together,
and that can be done throughout your life time and on an accelerated scale.
If you’re interested you can read about how to improve efficiency and focus, heighten brain power, sharpen your mind and concentration, and accelerate your body's natural healing ability and generate new neural pathways at exponential rates through Brainwave mind music.
But the real point is this, thought is energy.
By understanding the chakra system we become Masters of Energy
We are not constructed haphazardly. We’re a column of energy with several centers and every center has its specific function and characteristic. There’s no difference in energy except in frequency and the level of vibration.
Chakras are the channels through which soul/spirit becomes manifest as matter and expresses itself.
If we have a false belief it creates a blockage, the energy cannot get through and we can’t manifest our desires.
Our spirit is always looking to grow and express its truth and be expressed fully and authentically.
So when we have blockages they have to be cleared
And to clear those, our spirit pushes them to the surface so that we can become aware of them and accept and heal them.
Blocks can include things like passed unresolved issues and denial, wounded inner children and all types of other things.
At first they may seem like just nagging thoughts but if we don’t resolve or heal them they can become disease or a life situation and it forces us to face them.
If we ignore them they keep coming back again and again and each time harder and stronger until we resolve them.
So if emotion is denied it is stored in us in a negative way and keeps us from getting what we want.
What we put in place remains in place until we change it. The only way to get rid of it is by embracing it and seeing the divine within it.
If there is a kink in the hose we disrupt the flow.
Without resistance we experience flow and that is your spirits way of experiencing itself.
Love likes to flow, wealth likes to flow, joy likes to flow… and when there are blockages the ease
of flow is disrupted and if not resolved it creates dis ease and this disease, if not cleared, can disrupt your life to the very core.
If we set our intension on having the body sensation we desire, we draw it into our lives and it will manifest and become physical.
Understand life is not happening to us, it is happening for us and passes through us.
Which brings up another critically important aspect;
Body stuff
As you stretch and move the joints through their complete range of motion the whole muscle, joint, ligament and bone system they are being oxygenated, lubricated and detoxified.
Some of the body’s energy transfer moves through the joints
Between your skin and your muscles is a layer of another tissue called fascia which wraps all your muscles.
Fascia is highly electrically conductive and is where the 12 acupuncture meridians flow dominantly through your body.
To feel consistently great you have to have these pathways free of blockages.
Negative emotional states have a negative effect on your physiology but your physiology also effects your emotions. They are interlinked
The two things that need to be changed is the blockages you have and your propensity to feed them on a daily basis
Our bodies can modify our thoughts and emotions
The only way to experience true wholeness is to have your body congruent and free of blockages and aligned with your spiritual intent.
Chest breathing is associated with negative emotions
Switch your default adult chest breathing setting to abdominal breathing by consciously doing abdominal breathing every day.
Eventually your default breathing setting will switch and this is one of the most powerful health exercises you can do.
We all have an intuitive guidance system
However we have been trained to use our mind and focus on the How which leads to fearful expectations when we realize we don’t have the answers.
Full body movement combines your breathing , your attention and full body
Natural energy circulation method
Conscious rest allows you to gather energy instead of expend it
If you’re not feeling great you can’t trust your internal guidance system
You can not think your way into this
This is very important as well,
Practice diaphragm breathing.
Taking the breath in and filling the stomach area like an innertube around your midsection
and feeling your midsection contract when you exhale.
Chest breathing does not work the lower abdominal muscles and the oxygen can’t fully oxygenate the blood cells of your lower regions and extremities.
Do this every day, in the morning when you wake up, when you exercise and after meals to help with digestion.
Remember also that cancer feeds on sugars
And in addition to sweets things like Carbohydrates and alcohol convert to sugar.
Juicing one to two meals a day (real juicing, not store bought apple juice or a fruit smoothy)
A fresh blend of 85% organic carrots to 15% green granny apples in a juice processor will fill your body with live nutrients and enzymes you won’t find in any juice on the shelf. Enzymes begin dying off within 12-24 hours so whatever is bottled or canned in your supermarket cannot compare with what you process from fresh fruits and vegetables at home.
(add ice chips and a scoop of Superfood from the Health Food store) Your body will love you for it.
Juicing also reduces 90% of the energy it takes for the body to digest a meal.
NOTE: Microwave ovens kill 100% of all enzymes in your food, literally nuking them.
Sorry but fast food places and any products with Aspartame such as all diet sodas and sugar substitutes should be avoided like the plague.
Know this also,
Doctors only study medicine and how the body responds to it. They don’t study health.
And what doctors tell you about your chance of getting well after you’ve been diagnosed with a debilitating or life threatening disease is based on the average American doing nothing except more of the same of whatever they’ve been doing that got them there in the first place and their chance at a favorable outcome based on others with similar diagnosis.
Any measures you take will greatly affect your chance of getting well.
Virtually every credible medical doctor on the planet has stated that 80 -95% of illness and disease comes from stress.
There are two kinds of stress,
External conditions and Internal programming.
Cellular memories that have negative emotions attached which broadcast the trapped fear and anger to other cells in the body and causes them to close and go into disease mode and then send that signal to the brain to flip on the stress switch.
Rejection, low self-worth, negativity, anger, fear, sadness, unforgiveness… whatever it is, the underlying result is, the immune system is repressed, you’re dumbed down, you’re energy is drained, and you’re set up for failure.
Energy Techniques like EFT tapping and The Healing Codes activates a mechanism inside of us and finds memories in your un and sub conscious that are resonating at destructive frequencies and literally neutralizes them.
When the stress switch is turned off the cells open up, they start to heal, they start to reproduce whole cells instead of destructive or cancerous cells, we’re smartened up, positive, got loads of energy, and we start to heal as well as succeed where we’ve always failed.
You have underlying cellular memories related to your illness and once you remove those and heal the memories, the stress goes away and everything in your life starts getting better
You can have the health you want If you can heal your negative beliefs
Your negative thinking patterns, Negative emotions
Your negative conscious beliefs, Your actions and behaviors And your physiology
And it’s easier then you think.
Trying to succeed with Will Power alone with an issue that is rooted in your un and subconscious mind is a million to one odds for achieving results.
Conscious intention is great (the Law of Attraction)
but without healing your un and subconscious first, (the Law of the Heart) your own programming will keep you from succeeding.
Because, if your conscious intention and your un and sub conscious intentions conflict, you will fail
And they conflict many times every day.
When you put your focus and attention of your vibration you can magnetize what you want to you
There’s studies in quantum physics that show 1 hr of inner work equals 7 hrs. of outer work
When you consciously use energy and magnetism you amplify the results
Start magnetizing what you want
Generate a magnetic field like a slinky and pull in and feel the magnetism
First and foremost when there’s a bad connection between you and anything or anyone go within and shift where you are being the cause of the outcomes that are manifesting in your life and a direct reflection of that.
Six principals of magnetism
1st Think of the quality you want to radiate
What is the outcome you want to attract?
Whatever that higher quality is
2nd It’s helpful to magnetize the features and the essence of what it is you want
You can use symbols to represent what it is you want
3rd Ask for what you want or something even better
4th Love what you want to attach the vibration of love to what you want
5th Believe what you want is possible
6th Be detached, don’t be needy or attached to the outcome of the how, the where the when…
Conscious intention is real and very important to our success but what you don’t hear so much about is your unconscious intention and that will win out every single time.
Trauma memories are protected from natural healing as a built in security code and can leave you unconsciously overcompensating to avoid situations that could trigger another episode of something similar happening in the future.
The trouble is what we perceived as traumatic or fearful could be keeping us from achieving success.
This activation process is a way to engage life consciously conscious
We know what we were put on the planet to bring fourth
We have everything we need
We are Love so how could we be unworthy
If you’re disconnected from the Earth you can’t be connected with yourself
# 1
Master your mind
Your thoughts about what is going on in your life
Shift those thoughts and you shift the field
Your mind is what causes you suffering.
If you’re focusing on your problems you’re starring at a closed door.
Surrender to what is. It is the way it is. Stop resisting what is. Surrender to it and release it so you can move forward and turn things around.
Elevate your vibration
Be grateful for what positive things you do have.
Like energy attracts like energy
That is why you need to be attracting positive energy
There is a calibrated scale of consciousness for every emotion, thought and feeling.
Thoughts of despair, fear, anger have calibration levels below 200 whereas Love, joy, peace calibrate at 500 to 700
When you feel your energy dropping to a lower level
Repeat 3 times “Come from a place of Love”
That will automatically shift and elevate your vibration.
Connect to your higher self
Get mental clarity
Listen to the whispers from your higher self
Shed your limiting and negative beliefs
And shift them to empowering beliefs
You manifest what you believe not what you want
Money flows easily and freely from everywhere
Be a Maverick and step into your greatness.
Don’t follow the crowd. They’re unhappy anyhow.
Step outside the box, Think outside the box and Live outside the box
There are a lot of people making a million dollars a year and if they can do it I can do it.
Be unrealistic in your goals. Whatever they are, times it by ten.
Declare what you want or something better.
Expectations are a happiness killer
The external never purchases the internal, the internal purchases the external.
If your number one goal is an external circumstance you’ve guaranteed a life of chronic stress until that happens for you or doesn’t happen for you, Guaranteed.
Even if you get that one thing, you’re right back on to the next thing in your life until you get it or not.
Once you achieve it no one can take it away from you
And it is guaranteed to satisfy and fulfill you long term because it is what
But if give up the end result the stress instantly goes away
and your number one goal is an internal state i.e. happiness, love and at peace and have joy, and you many times automatically get the external circumstance and create the internal power source that will make you eliminate the stress and you get what you wanted as a bonus
The internal is the power that creates the external
Experience the rhythm of your divine vibration
Initiatory energies from the whole of creation
They ignite the latent capacities of the gifts that are in each of this
If you come at a problem with and from love it’s like turning on a light in a dark room.
The dark doesn’t go away it changes form and no longer exists.
Speaking of light,
Do not engage the drama,
Ask what is the best thing about this?
Go to bed saying ”I declare this day complete. Higher levels take it.”
Tomorrow morning wake up and say, “Show me.”
The universes cannot not have your back
It starts with healing your past
How are you contributing to the world?
How are you contributing to other people?
How are you manifesting your gifts in the world?
When you have clarity about what is most important to you
And what does it look like to live deliberately
You know then can connect the dots and live a life of choice.
You can live with the deliberate creation possibilities that are possible when you expect great things to happen
As opposed to self-sabotage or the apathetic mode of expecting more of what you always had.
Same kind of money you always made, the same kind of relationships you always had the same kind of work you always experienced.
And you get to be right about whatever it was you made up about yourself and you get to be a victim somehow.
Victimhood is always optional.
There’s nothing stopping us that courage and a decision to take bold action won’t solve
It’s about living deliberately,
Its living based on the person that you decided to be and the qualities that reflect what that person is about.
We always have the ability to see the possibilities
Life gives people some real significant challenges
But we always have the power to choose how we’ll respond to those challenges and increase our wisdom , our empathy and use the gifts we were given to empower our life and the life’s of those around us.
You know something that you wouldn’t have known in the absence of that challenge.
Every upset is a clue to what you are not interpreting in a way that supports you
Be the things you want the most, what qualities?
See your future as bright and inevitable. Exude love and joy and it will come back to you 10 fold
Get out in the sunshine
What if the only person powerful enough to stop you is you?
And don’t forget to laugh. Watch as many comedies as you can stand. Type “laugh” into your google browser and click on a daily regimen of funny clips, videos and jokes and laugh yourself well.
Our problems are really our answered prayer.
The crisis is really an opportunity to cultivate the inner conditions for that next stage of our destiny of greatness to emerge.
What quality or qualities would I need to activate to embody in order to be free and at peace in the midst of this condition?
The problem cannot be solved, it dissolves as you evolve.
What would your life be like if you really connected with who you were meant to be?
All the best,
Love and prayers,
Cameron MacDonald
Remember, it’s not how much you do, its how much love you do it with.
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How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
Everything is energy in motion All energy is vibration All vibrations have a corresponding frequency Abundance is a Frequency Health is a frequency Love and hate are frequencies