“I recorded what I believe to be the album of songs I dreamed I would make.
I put all of my heart, my mind, and my soul,
everything, into every song and lyric on this album.
I think you're going to like it.”
Cameron Damn MacDonald
(Pause before moving on or it will keep playing)
Describe your ideal fan
Describe your distinct music identity.
I guess you could describe my music as if it were a close nit family that share identifiable features so you could tell they all came from that house. You wouldn’t mistake them for each other but you wouldn’t mistake them for the neighbors either.
There would be the loner, the rebel, the romantic, the tramp, the elder country gentleman and the one they keep locked up in the basement. House needs a little paint.
Not enough bathrooms.
on one thumb drive?
And immediate access to the digital versions?
Plus, Bonuses
Trust me I have no idea what I'm doing. People always like the stuff I never post or make videos of the best. I'm going to start relying on my fans to tell me what's good. Point is this, don't assume you think you've heard my best, Cause I have 300 plus songs, and I have no idea what that is. But if you figure it out be sure to let me know.
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