How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
How to take complete and utter control of your mind in six-minutes or less.
By Cameron MacDonald
Stress is the leading cause of all mental, emotional and physical sickness and disease as well as effecting us spiritually and socially.
I’m going to show you how to take back control of your mind and put a halt to the onslaught from all the chatter and the stress-parade of worrisome, bothersome, self-loathing comments, cruel digs and horrible judgments your mind manufactures at your own expense,
and not only put you back in the driver’s seat but place you firmly upon the thrown to reign over those diminishing dolor’s of depredation like the maniacal mad-genius you so richly deserve to be thought of to be. Not by others of course, but by the renegade thoughts that pelt you with mental stones or boldly squawk at you without fear of repercussions. That ends today. In the next six-minutes.
Are you ready?
I’m going to teach you a technique that is the most basic, simple thing a human being can do and you will use it to create an impenetrable wall from all the venting and mental conjuring your mind can throw at you when it’s at its self-deprecating worst.
For twenty or thirty seconds I want you to focus on your breathing.
Take two or three slow, deep breaths.
And while we’re at it, let’s make them abdominal breaths instead of your typical shallow chest-breathing breaths.
Feel your abdomen slowly expanding like an innertube around your waist
Then as you exhale and your stomach muscles contract (i.e. go in) feel that last bit of oxygen being expelled leaving but an empty shell of your mortal frame.
Pause for a beat in that immortal space between breaths.
Take another one.
Slowly drawing in that precious oxygen like you were indulging in your most obsessive compulsion.
Feel your abdomen once again expand.
Take another pause before releasing it.
Slowly, effortlessly expel the air.
Here’s something you may have not noticed,
While you’re focusing on your breath (which seems like the most insignificant thing a human being can do) you are incapable of having thoughts arise to draw your focus away from that insignificant act.
What you have just created is a space you alone can lay claim to.
No thought can penetrate,
Where no guilt or judgment can besiege and no stress can arise.
You can now use that to reclaim your mind and take back control.
Not only take control, but know it or not,
you’re ready to challenge your mind to throw down the worst abusive, guilt and most toxic judgments against you it’s ever had the pleasure of assaulting you with for the next thirty-seconds while you combat it effortlessly by focusing on the insignificant act of taking a few casual breaths
while it tries its best to bring on its worst,
and I promise you, not a single one of those stress inducing thoughts is going to be able to get through.
Not one.
Your ability to shut them all out proves you are more powerful then all your negative thoughts and passed mistakes combined. And this technique will cut off and effectually silence any thought in mid rant and establish you as the ultimate say, the final source, the Alpha dog and the Chosen One.
Then you’re going to sit your ascended ass on the golden thrown created by your imagination’s intention and you’re going to shout at your thoughts, “QUITE! ENOUGH!”
“I alone am in charge! You are all subject to me,
And do so in the order of your pathetic, proposed presumptions of priority!
And do it out in the corridor.”
Then flip on the illuminated “QUITE” sign above their incarnated pointy little heads.
If you wish, you will hear them now, one at a time. And here’s where the fun begins.
You (with your hand around a lever) summon fourth the first former bothersome thought.
A self-indulgent incarnation of a thought steps forward and tells you in a much disproving tone,
“I don’t know who you think you are, but this will not last and will not be tolerated. We will not tolerate…”
Pull the lever releasing the trap-door beneath it, and send that incarnation straight into the alligator pit to be torn apart limb from limb.
Reset the trap-door and call fourth the next thought.
Notice the immediate change in attitude in the rest of the thoughts.
They are no longer bombarding you with their unending demands, back talk and judgments
they are now, at best, just nervously murmuring to themselves.
The next thought timidly steps forward and meekly says something like,
“Ah,… I just wanted to remind you to confirm your appointment for this afternoon.”
You say, “Awesome, remind me again in a few hours, in the meantime, go sit on the bench over there and receive oral and or a mani-pedi. NEXT!”
And feel free to interrupt them in mid-sentence and demand to know who they represent.
Do not be surprised if a great many of your thoughts represent your ego.
Tell them the ego is overly represented so be quick to get to the point.
Ask, too what purpose? Or what is the benefit?
Don’t be afraid to pull out a gun and shoot an incarnate thought or two in the leg.
It won’t be but a minute before they realize you’re back in charge of that priceless commodity that they had at some point wrestled free from you like lunatics seizing control of the asylum and regaled it as a torrential source of your own torment.
Now you’re free to reign with an iron-wielding fist and subject your thoughts to random feats of punishment or indulgences with impunity.
Incidentally, the Ego has but one function, to make you think you can’t exist without it.
Its weapons are to bring up examples from the past to disempower you or imagined failings in the future to keep you in a state of fear and doubt. Anything to prevent change or allow you access the only point where change can take place: The present moment.
The Now is the ego’s foe. It has no power in the now.
Taking conscious breaths several times a day is one of the most powerful things you can do to reestablish your connection with the present moment, create space and expand your sense of self.
That is, your higher self; the observer of the thoughts, not the part of you doing the thinking.
This practice will exonerate the identity of your higher self as the one at the helm and not leave your mind at the mercy of doubts about your own abilities that have been playing on a loop in the background with all the other bad programs that have infested your system’s hardware like Trojan viruses.
Now you have a way of subjecting them into an orderly means of confronting each one on one-on-one terms and forcing them to briefly state in their defense why you should indulge their existence while you’re mentally cocking your shotgun or reaching for the lever.
So there you go,
Enjoy your empowered life; free of self-judgment, guilt fueled regrets, demeaning digs, constant chatter and regardless rants of cold-hearted worthlessness.
Once your thoughts are put and kept in their proper place and your position and reign has been reestablished and restored there may come a time when you may want to introduce blessings to all your thoughts, both good and bad.
Blessings have a way of leaving a negative thought powerless and simultaneously exposing its small minded origins and reducing it to its petty and un evolved state within the framework of love and consciousness.
The type of conscious evolution that transmutes a thought through self forgiveness, change and rebirth that allows a shift in awareness which is the manifestation process necessary for an emergence to take place.
Continue to bless it and love it exceedingly, unconditionally and without exception until it transforms from the fear and resistance to change to an essential part of the manifestation process.
Very empowering.
In the meantime, enjoy feeding them to the alligators. Peace
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How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
Everything is energy in motion All energy is vibration All vibrations have a corresponding frequency Abundance is a Frequency Health is a frequency Love and hate are frequencies