How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
The “Yes, Delete” Method
What we experience today is an accumulation of our thoughts expressed from our yesterdays. What you experience in your tomorrows will be an accumulation of what you hold in your thoughts today and as you move forward through each present state of Now.
Everything has a corresponding body image. Change your physiology and it changes your state.
Sick people and healthy people have a different physiology and body image, the posture and speech patterns of a happy or depressed person are radically different, wealthy or poor people have different physiologies and carry themselves differently etc., etc.
Try this experiment:
Are you carrying around a lot of negative expectations? Let’s measure it.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much negative expectations are you carrying?
You can’t delete something from your computer unless we select “Yes” to delete it.
Negative expectations can be deleted the same way.
Try this, bring to the surface your negative expectations. All of them, about everything. Feel the weight of it.
By using the Yes delete method you will feel the weight of the stress reduced with every “Yes”
Can you say Yes to negative expectations?
You respond aloud: Yes
Can you say yes to negative expectations some more?
Can you say yes to negative expectations even more?
Can you say yes to negative expectations again?
And again?
And even more?
And can you say yes to negative expectations even more?
And even more?
And more?
And a little more?
And even more?
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how much negative expectation do you feel?
Now whatever remainder is left speak aloud to it and say,
“Negative expectations, I unconditionally love you
And I unconditionally give you permission to leave.”
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how much negative expectation do you feel?
Feel lighter?
Now do this again and substitute the words negative expectations with the word “worry”
Worry can be like that pressure to urinate feeling that won’t go away until we allow it too.
Bring it all to the surface… Now, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much worry do you feel?
Can you say Yes to worry?
You respond aloud: Yes
Can you say yes to worry some more?
Can you say yes to worry even more?
Can you say yes to worry again?
And again?
And even more?
And can you say yes to worry even more?
And even more?
And more?
And a little more?
And even more?
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how worried do you feel?
Now whatever remainder is left speak aloud to it and say,
“Worry, I unconditionally love you
And I unconditionally give you permission to leave.”
Now on a scale of 1 to 10 how worried do you feel?
Now do this exercise again and substitute the word “worry” for “cancer”.
You can go through this list and see if there are any other negative emotions that you would like release.
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How to create what we want whether it’s health, wealth, love or joy
Everything is energy in motion All energy is vibration All vibrations have a corresponding frequency Abundance is a Frequency Health is a frequency Love and hate are frequencies